Terms & Conditions

These rules terms and conditions apply for to all competitions unless otherwise stated:

  • Unless otherwise stated, Cook School Entreprise CIC (referred to in these terms and conditions as Cook School) is the promoter of any competition on this website, Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/cookschoolclub/), Twitter (https://twitter.com/cookschoolclub) or facebook (https://www.facebook.com/cookschoolclub/)
  • Unless otherwise stated, contestants can enter each competition on Cook School only once. Any entries, after the first, will be disqualified.
  • Unless otherwise stated, only one prize per competition is allocated.
  • Entrants under the age of 18 years must get permission from their parent or guardian to enter a competition on their behalf.
  • Unless otherwise stated, all contestants chosen are those who have entered at the advertised time and are chosen at random by Cook School in line with the advertised promotion of the competition.
  • Each competition will run until the competition has been completed or has run its course. Both will be advertised on the Website. Cook School reserves the right not to give away any prize if no winner is found.
  • Unless otherwise stated on the website, there is only one prize per competition and all prizes are offered in good faith. It is recognised that at times genuine mistakes can occur. If such a mistake has occurred, then the management, in its sole discretion, can either award the prize to the person(s) who in their view was the original winner of the competition.
  • Prizes offered by Cook School are in most cases provided to the company by a third party or sponsor. At the end of the competition the liability passes from Cook School to the sponsor for the deliverance of the prize offered. If the sponsor or third party thereafter cannot deliver the product or prize due to liquidation or similar – Cook School reserves the right to replace the prize with an alternative prize of equal or higher value if circumstances beyond Cook School’ control makes it necessary to do so.
  • Employees and relatives of Cook School or any of the co-sponsors of the competition are not eligible to enter the competition.
  • Cook School reserves the right to alter or amend these terms and conditions rules at any time and, where it becomes necessary to do so, to suspend any competition or cancel the competition at any time.
  • Cook School cannot be held responsible for any loss that may be incurred by listeners attempting to enter competitions.
  • Failure to gain access to competitions due to technical difficulties engaged phone lines, faulty website or for any other reason is not the responsibility of Cook School.
  • Unless otherwise stated there are no cash alternative to the advertised prizes and any prize is strictly non-transferable.
  • By entering competitions all contestants agree to be used in publicity, promotion and by any means reasonably deemed fit for the promotion of the station under the privacy policy
  • All competitions are only valid for contestants resident in the UK, unless otherwise stated.
  • Copyright of any photographs or images or audio of winners remains the property of Cook School throughout the world.
  • No correspondence will be entered into regarding competitions. The Programme Director’s decision is final.
  • If the rules to competitions have been broken by a winning contestant or the answer has been revealed to contestants by any third party, the prize may be withdrawn.
  • Any contestant entering competitions on Cook School giving false or misleading information will be disqualified and any prizes won will be withdrawn. This includes, but is not limited to, name, address, telephone numbers and details of previously won prizes.
  • Prizes must be claimed within 3 months from date of winning.
  • A list of winners can be made available on request.
  • Cook School will endeavour to send out all prizes within 28 days of the win. This is subject to change at our reasonable discretion.
  • The contact details of winning entrants may be passed over to a third party for the fulfillment of prizes but will not be used for direct marketing purposes.
  • Cook School reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions without prior notice. Any updates will be displayed here on the website

Liabilities, Warranties and Indemnities

Our Website is provided on an ‘as is’ basis, without any express or implied warranty of any kind. We do not warrant that our Website will be error-free, or that any of the material therein is accurate.

We provide no warranty in respect of our sites, our content, our software or our services; we disclaim all liability connected with use of this Website to the extent permitted at law. Your use of this Website constitutes your acceptance to indemnify us against anything that arises out of a breach by you of these Terms and Conditions.

We are not liable to users of third party content, material or websites for inconsequential or incidental damages such as loss of profits or loss of privacy. We cannot be responsible for errors in any advertising or promotional material that appears on our Website, although we would be grateful if you would notify us, should you notice any errors in any such material at info@teachers.cookschool.club

General Legal Terms

Should any part of these Terms and Conditions be found to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable at law, then that part shall be severed from the Terms and Conditions to the extent that it is invalid or unenforceable, and its severance shall not affect the rest of these Terms and Conditions, which shall remain enforceable at law.

These Terms and Conditions are governed by English law, and all disputes arising from them shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of English courts.

In the event of any of the Terms and Conditions or part thereof being found to be illegal and/or unenforceable, that finding shall not affect the enforceability of the remainder of the Terms and Conditions.


Amanda’s Cook School Entreprise



E: Info@teachers.cookschool.club

Policy Updated

10th June 2018